

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <unistd.h>

/* implementation dependent declarations */
typedef enum {
} statusEnum;

typedef int keyType;            /* type of key */

/* user data stored in tree */
typedef struct {
    int stuff;                  /* optional related data */
} recType;

typedef struct IntruListNode {
    struct IntruListNode *next;
    struct IntruListNode *prev;
} IntruListNode ;

typedef struct IntruList {
    IntruListNode *first;
    IntruListNode *last;
} IntruList;

static IntruList *ilist[3] = {NULL,NULL,NULL} ;

#define compLT(a,b) (a < b)
#define compEQ(a,b) (a == b)

/* levels range from (0 .. MAXLEVEL) */
#define MAXLEVEL 15

typedef struct nodeTag {
    keyType key;                /* key used for searching */
    recType rec;                /* user data */
 IntruListNode intrunode[3] ;
    struct nodeTag *forward[1]; /* skip list forward pointer */
} nodeType;

/* implementation independent declarations */
typedef struct {
    nodeType *hdr;              /* list Header */
    int listLevel;              /* current level of list */
} SkipList;

SkipList list;                  /* skip list information */

#define NIL list.hdr

void RemoveFromIntruList(int ilevel,IntruListNode* inode)
    if( (ilist[ilevel]->first != NULL)  )
        if(ilist[ilevel]->first == inode) {
            ilist[ilevel]->first = inode->next ;
      if(inode->prev != NULL)
             inode->prev->next = inode->next;
 if(ilist[ilevel]->first != NULL)
     ilist[ilevel]->first->prev = NULL ;
 if (ilist[ilevel]->last != NULL)
     if(ilist[ilevel]->last == inode ){
         ilist[ilevel]->last = inode->prev;
         if (inode->next != NULL)
                inode->next->prev = inode->prev ;
 if(ilist[ilevel]->last != NULL)
     ilist[ilevel]->last->next = NULL ;
    inode->next = NULL ;
 inode->prev = NULL ;

void AddToIntruList(int ilevel,IntruListNode* inode)
    // first amd last has prev,next = NULL , still it is in list !!
    if( (inode == ilist[ilevel]->first) || (inode == ilist[ilevel]->last) )
     return ;

    if( (inode->prev != NULL) || (inode->next != NULL) ) //important: node has prev means it is in list already !!
     return ;

    inode->next=NULL ;
    inode->prev = NULL ;
        ilist[ilevel]->first = inode;
        ilist[ilevel]->last = inode;
        ilist[ilevel]->last->next = inode;
        inode->prev = ilist[ilevel]->last;
        ilist[ilevel]->last = inode;

statusEnum setIntruList(keyType key,int *ptr)
    int i;
    nodeType *x = list.hdr;

    *  find node containing data  *

    for (i = list.listLevel; i >= 0; i--) {
        while (x->forward[i] != NIL && compLT(x->forward[i]->key, key))
            x = x->forward[i];
    x = x->forward[0];
    if (x != NIL && compEQ(x->key, key)) {
  IntruListNode* inode= NULL ;
      if(ptr[i]==0) //remove from IntruListNode
       RemoveFromIntruList(i,&(x->intrunode[i])) ;
            }else{  //add to IntruListNode
       AddToIntruList(i,&(x->intrunode[i])) ;
  } //for
        return STATUS_OK;
        return STATUS_KEY_NOT_FOUND;

statusEnum insert(keyType key, recType *rec) {
    int i, newLevel;
    nodeType *update[MAXLEVEL+1];
    nodeType *x;

    *  allocate node for data and insert in list  *

    /* find where key belongs */
    x = list.hdr;
    for (i = list.listLevel; i >= 0; i--) {
        while (x->forward[i] != NIL && compLT(x->forward[i]->key, key))
            x = x->forward[i];
        update[i] = x;
    x = x->forward[0];
    if (x != NIL && compEQ(x->key, key))
        return STATUS_DUPLICATE_KEY;

    /* determine level */
    for (
      newLevel = 0;
      rand() < RAND_MAX/2 && newLevel < MAXLEVEL;

    if (newLevel > list.listLevel) {
        for (i = list.listLevel + 1; i <= newLevel; i++)
            update[i] = NIL;
        list.listLevel = newLevel;

    /* make new node */
    if ((x = malloc(sizeof(nodeType) + newLevel*sizeof(nodeType *))) == 0)
        return STATUS_MEM_EXHAUSTED;
    x->key = key;
    x->rec = *rec;

    /* update forward links */
    for (i = 0; i <= newLevel; i++) {
        x->forward[i] = update[i]->forward[i];
        update[i]->forward[i] = x;

     IntruListNode* inode = &(x->intrunode[i]) ;
  inode->next=NULL ;
  inode->prev = NULL ;
        printf("insert (%d)...ilist->first=(%p),last=(%p)\n",i,ilist[i]->first,ilist[i]->last) ;
    return STATUS_OK;

statusEnum delete(keyType key) {
    int i;
    nodeType *update[MAXLEVEL+1], *x;

    *  delete node containing data from list  *

    /* find where data belongs */
    x = list.hdr;
    for (i = list.listLevel; i >= 0; i--) {
        while (x->forward[i] != NIL
          && compLT(x->forward[i]->key, key))
            x = x->forward[i];
        update[i] = x;
    x = x->forward[0];
    if (x == NIL || !compEQ(x->key, key)) return STATUS_KEY_NOT_FOUND;

    /* adjust forward pointers */
    for (i = 0; i <= list.listLevel; i++) {
        if (update[i]->forward[i] != x) break;
        update[i]->forward[i] = x->forward[i];

 IntruListNode* inode= NULL ;
     RemoveFromIntruList(i,&(x->intrunode[i])) ;
 } //for
        printf("delete (%d)...ilist->first=(%p),last=(%p)\n",i,ilist[i]->first,ilist[i]->last) ;
 //printf("free..(%d)\n",x->key) ;
    free (x);

    /* adjust header level */
    while ((list.listLevel > 0)
    && (list.hdr->forward[list.listLevel] == NIL))

    return STATUS_OK;

statusEnum find(keyType key, recType *rec) {
    int i;
    nodeType *x = list.hdr;

    *  find node containing data  *

    for (i = list.listLevel; i >= 0; i--) {
        while (x->forward[i] != NIL
          && compLT(x->forward[i]->key, key))
            x = x->forward[i];
    x = x->forward[0];
    if (x != NIL && compEQ(x->key, key)) {
        *rec = x->rec;
        return STATUS_OK;

void initList() {
    int i;

    *  initialize skip list  *

    if ((list.hdr = malloc(
            sizeof(nodeType) + MAXLEVEL*sizeof(nodeType *))) == 0) {
        printf ("insufficient memory (initList)\n");
    for (i = 0; i <= MAXLEVEL; i++)
        list.hdr->forward[i] = NIL;
    list.listLevel = 0;

        ilist[i] = calloc(1, sizeof(IntruList));
 } //for



int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int i, maxnum, random;
    recType *rec;
    keyType *key;
    statusEnum status;

    /* command-line:
     *   skl maxnum [random]
     *   skl 2000
     *       process 2000 sequential records
     *   skl 4000 r
     *       process 4000 random records

    maxnum = atoi(argv[1]);
    random = argc > 2;


    if ((rec = malloc(maxnum * sizeof(recType))) == 0) {
        fprintf (stderr, "insufficient memory (rec)\n");
    if ((key = malloc(maxnum * sizeof(keyType))) == 0) {
        fprintf (stderr, "insufficient memory (key)\n");

    if (random) {
        /* fill "a" with unique random numbers */
        for (i = 0; i < maxnum; i++){
      key[i] = rand() ;
   rec[i].stuff = key[i] * 3 ;
        printf ("ran, %d items\n", maxnum);
    } else {
        for (i = 0; i < maxnum; i++){
      key[i] = i;
   rec[i].stuff = key[i] * 3;
        printf ("seq, %d items\n", maxnum);

    for (i = 0; i < maxnum; i++) {
        status = insert(key[i], &rec[i]);
        if (status)
      printf("pt1: error = %d\n", status);

 int num1=0,num2=0,num3=0;
 int iarray[3] ;
    for (i = 0; i < maxnum; i++) {
  int itmp ;
  itmp = (i % 5) ;
  }else if(itmp==1){
  }else if(itmp==2){
  }else if(itmp==3){
  }else if(itmp==4){
  status = setIntruList(key[i],iarray) ;
        if (status){
      printf("setIntruList error,(%d)(%d)",key[i],status) ;
   exit(0) ;
    } // for
 printf("========================= \n") ;
 #ifdef DEBUG
 IntruListNode * listx ;
 size_t offset ;
     listx = ilist[i]->first ;
     offset = offsetof(nodeType,intrunode[0]) + sizeof(IntruListNode) * i  ;
        //printf("(%d)(%d)\n",i,offset) ;
         if (listx==NULL)
      if(listx != NULL)
          nodeType* node = (nodeType *) ( (char *)(listx) - offset) ;
       printf("(%p)(%d)==>",node,node->key) ;
      if(listx != NULL) listx = listx->next ;
     printf("\n") ;
 } //for
 printf("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \n") ;
     listx = ilist[i]->last ;
     offset = offsetof(nodeType,intrunode[0]) + sizeof(IntruListNode) * i  ;
  //printf("(%d)(%d)\n",i,offset) ;
         if (listx==NULL)
      if(listx != NULL)
          nodeType* node = (nodeType *) ( (char *)(listx) - offset) ;
       printf("(%p)(%d)==>",node,node->key) ;
      if(listx != NULL) listx = listx->prev ;
     printf("\n") ;  
 } //for
    printf("========================= \n") ; 
    for (i = maxnum-1; i >= 0; i--) {
        status = delete(key[i]);
        if (status)
      printf("pt3: error = %d\n", status);
        printf(" (%d)...ilist->first=(%p),last=(%p)\n",i,ilist[i]->first,ilist[i]->last) ;
    for (i = maxnum-1; i >= 0; i--) {
        status = find(key[i], &rec[i]);
        if (status != STATUS_KEY_NOT_FOUND)
      printf("deleted data should be notfound!! \n");
    exit(0) ;
    printf("========================= \n") ; 
 insert(4, &rec[4]); 
 setIntruList(4,iarray) ;
 setIntruList(4,iarray) ;
 setIntruList(4,iarray) ;

 insert(5, &rec[5]); 
 setIntruList(5,iarray) ;

 setIntruList(4,iarray) ;
 setIntruList(5,iarray) ;
 //delete(4) ;
        printf(" (%d)...ilist->first=(%p),last=(%p)\n",i,ilist[i]->first,ilist[i]->last) ;
 #ifdef DEBUG2
 IntruListNode * listx ;
 size_t offset ;
     listx = ilist[i]->first ;
     offset = offsetof(nodeType,intrunode[0]) + sizeof(IntruListNode) * i  ;
        //printf("(%d)(%d)\n",i,offset) ;
         if (listx==NULL)
      if(listx != NULL)
          nodeType* node = (nodeType *) ( (char *)(listx) - offset) ;
       printf("(%p)(%d)==>",node,node->key) ;
      if(listx != NULL) listx = listx->next ;
     printf("\n") ;
 } //for
 printf("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \n") ;
     listx = ilist[i]->last ;
     offset = offsetof(nodeType,intrunode[0]) + sizeof(IntruListNode) * i  ;
  //printf("(%d)(%d)\n",i,offset) ;
         if (listx==NULL)
      if(listx != NULL)
          nodeType* node = (nodeType *) ( (char *)(listx) - offset) ;
       printf("(%p)(%d)==>",node,node->key) ;
      if(listx != NULL) listx = listx->prev ;
     printf("\n") ;  
 } //for

        printf(" (%d)...ilist->first=(%p),last=(%p)\n",i,ilist[i]->first,ilist[i]->last) ;


    return 0;



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