

This elision of copy operations is permitted in the following circumstances (which may be combined to eliminate multiple copies):

  • in a return statement in a function with a class return type, when the expression is the name of a non-volatile automatic object with the same cv-unqualified type as the function return type, the copy operation can be omitted by constructing the automatic object directly into the function’s return value

  • when a temporary class object that has not been bound to a reference (12.2) would be copied to a class object with the same cv-unqualified type, the copy operation can be omitted by constructing the tempo- rary object directly into the target of the omitted copy


copy slision 可以讓程式不過度使用 constructor ,   這有助於 performance , 例如 :

ArrayClass  func()
    ArrayClass m(10) ;
    for(int idx=0;idx<10;idx++)
        m[idx] = idx * idx + 1 ;
    return m ;

ArrayClass m2(func()) ;

本來應該呼叫  move constructor ,  但是 compiler 會幫你做 copy/move elision , 所以比起

ArrayClass m2(std::move(func())) ;

效率更高 !!!


class ArrayClass
    int isize;
    double* p ;
    ArrayClass(int num_ =1):isize(num_),p(new double[num_])
        cout << "constructor with num!!" << endl ;
        for(int idx=0;idx<num_;idx++)
            p[idx] = 0.0 ;
    ArrayClass(const ArrayClass& m) //copy constructor
        cout << "copy constructor!!" << endl ;
        isize = m.getsize() ;
        p = new double[isize] ;
        std::copy(m.getaddr(), m.getaddr() + m.getsize(), p);
    ArrayClass& operator=(const ArrayClass& m) //copy assignment
        cout << "copy assignment!!" << endl ;
        if(this != &m)
            int msize =  m.getsize() ;
            if(isize != msize )
                delete []p ;
                p = 0x00 ;
                p = msize ? new double[msize] : 0x00 ;
                isize = msize ;
            std::copy(m.getaddr(), m.getaddr() + msize, p);
        return *this ;
    ArrayClass& operator=(ArrayClass&& m)
        cout << "Move assignment!!" << endl ;
        isize = m.getsize() ;
        p = m.getaddr() ;
        m.initialize() ;
        return *this ;
    ArrayClass(ArrayClass&& m)
        cout << "Move Constructor!!" << endl ;
        isize = m.getsize() ;
        p = m.getaddr() ;
        m.initialize() ;
        cout << "desctrutor!!" << endl ;
        delete []p ;

    void initialize(){ isize=0; p=0x00; }
    int  getsize() const { return isize; }
    double* getaddr() const { return p; }
    double& operator[](int i)
        if( i >= isize)
            throw "the bound is wrong!!" ;
        return p[i] ;
    const double& operator[](int i) const
        if( i >= isize)
            throw "the bound is wrong!!" ;
        return p[i] ;
    void Print(void)
        for(int idx=0;idx<isize;idx++)
            cout << p[idx] << " " ;
        cout << endl ;
} ;

ArrayClass  func()
    ArrayClass m(10) ;
    for(int idx=0;idx<10;idx++)
        m[idx] = idx * idx + 1 ;
    return m ;

ArrayClass m2(func()) ;  will output :

constructor with num!!
1 2 5 10 17 26 37 50 65 82


ArrayClass m2(std::move(func())) ;  will output :

constructor with num!!
Move Constructor!!
1 2 5 10 17 26 37 50 65 82



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