
三個地方在 c++0x 而不是 c++11 時必須修改 :

1.  using LargeArray= array<int,10000>; 改成 typedef array<int,10000>  LargeArray  ;

2. c++0x 沒有 lambda , [](){} 那邊就要割捨了.....

3. unique_ptr<array<int,10000>> 在 c++0x 必須改成 unique_ptr<array<int,10000> >

必須多一個 space 在 '10000>'  後面 !!


#include <thread>
#include <atomic>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "stlav_make_unique.hpp"

using namespace std;

struct my_point
    int *x ;
    int *y ;

struct my_point_deleter {  
    void operator()(my_point* p) const 
     cout << "my_point_deleter called" << endl ;
        delete[] p->x;
  delete[] p->y;
  delete p ;

using LargeArray= array<int,10000>;

unique_ptr<LargeArray> giveMeMyArray(){
    unique_ptr<LargeArray> myObj(new LargeArray() );
    return myObj;

unique_ptr<LargeArray> giveMeMyArray2(){
    unique_ptr<LargeArray> myObj = fut_stl::make_unique<LargeArray>();
    return myObj;

int main()
    unique_ptr<LargeArray> ptr ;
 ptr = giveMeMyArray() ;
 for(int idx=0;idx<10000;idx++)
     if(ptr->at(idx) >0)
      cout << "idx=" << idx << " " << ptr->at(idx) << endl ;
    unique_ptr<LargeArray> ptr2 ;
 ptr2 = giveMeMyArray2() ;
 for(int idx=0;idx<10000;idx++)
     if(ptr2->at(idx) >0)
      cout << "idx=" << idx << " " << ptr2->at(idx) << endl ;
 unique_ptr<my_point,my_point_deleter> p1(new my_point) ;
 p1->x = new int[10] ;
 p1->y = new int[10] ;
 p1->x[0] = 1000 ;
 p1->y[1] = 2000 ;
 cout << p1->x[0] << " " << p1->y[1] << endl ;

    unique_ptr<FILE, void (*)(FILE*)> f(fopen("hanoi.c", "r"),[](FILE* f){cout << "going closed" << endl; fclose(f);});
 char aux[100];  
 while (!feof(f.get())) //f.get returns me the actual plain old pointer  
     fgets(aux, 100, f.get());     
  cout << aux;  
 }     //No need to invoke fclose() because the unique_ptr will take care of it.    



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